Tag: ingredient labelling
Home Safe
Due to a certain amount of media coverage over the last few years more people are becoming aware of the problems that certain food additives and ingredients in cosmetics can cause; and so we read labels to avoid the nasties. But how many people know about the harmful effects of toxic chemicals in household products? […]
Continue reading Home SafeBarcodes and country of origin
Label reading is an important skill to develop when seeking a chemical-free lifestyle and it pays to understand what information on a label can and cannot tell you. Recently an email has been widely distributed that suggests that by noting the first couple of digits in a barcode, you can figure out where a product […]
Continue reading Barcodes and country of originQuick label checks
When you are pressed for time, reading labels and trying to decipher the ingredients in any one product may seem a time-consuming task. There is a quick ‘rule of thumb’ that is worth remembering when you assess a products suitability for your family.
Continue reading Quick label checksThe problem with fabric softener
It’s always a red flag for me when I read an ingredients label and it contains warnings such as ‘Use only in well ventilated room’, ‘Harmful if swallowed’ and ‘Seek poisons advice’.
Continue reading The problem with fabric softenerGood food is meant to perish
Normal, natural healthy food is meant to go off. This is one sign that the food has not been tampered with by manufacturers, or otherwise denatured.
Continue reading Good food is meant to perishIngredients aren’t the only chemicals in foods
Reading ingredient labels to hunt down and avoid harmful chemicals is important if you wish to eat well and be well. It is a skill that gets easier over time and actually makes your shopping experience much simpler as it immediately eliminates many brands and items from your shopping list.
Continue reading Ingredients aren’t the only chemicals in foodsYes to spices, no to artificial flavours
Next time you open a sachet of powdered flavouring to add to noodles, stop and think what else you could use from your pantry. The sachet most likely contains at least one form of MSG and a range of other additives, artificial colours and flavours you might rather avoid.
Continue reading Yes to spices, no to artificial flavoursDetox with a chemical-free pantry
A new year is, for many people, a time to develop new and healthier habits in life. One common resolution is to do a detox, especially after the indulgences of the festive season, and whole industries experience a boom time as we purchase pills and potions to assist us in the quest for good health.
Continue reading Detox with a chemical-free pantryIngredients in cheese slices – quick review
Cheese slices are promoted to us as a source of calcium and vitamin D. Low fat versions are available and the marketing message is clear about their place in our daily dairy intake.
Continue reading Ingredients in cheese slices – quick reviewAllergy to sodium benzoate 211 a common complaint
An allergy to sodium benzoate (211) can be a challenging allergy to manage. Sodium benzoate (also shown as 211 on labels) is a preservative used in many foods and beverages and can be difficult to avoid.
Continue reading Allergy to sodium benzoate 211 a common complaint