Tag: Cosmetics not tested on animals
Most skin care does not care at all
When you consider how many thousands of untested, yet irritating, chemicals make their way into the daily assortment of skincare products we use, it becomes obvious that using the word ‘care’ is a bit of a misnomer.
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The toothpaste section of the supermarket seems to continue to expand, and one area where this is particularly obvious is in the area of children’s toothpaste. I recently compared two brands of children’s toothpaste to see how they differed in terms of claims and ingredients.
Continue reading Children’s toothpaste – what do you choose?Seven deadly chemicals in your personal care products
Exposure to seven harmful chemicals is a daily reality for 20% of people, at least that is what research conducted by Safe Cosmetics found.
Continue reading Seven deadly chemicals in your personal care productsHarmful chemicals in personal care products and legally not on the label
Most harmful chemicals in personal care products can be identified by reading the label on the pack. But what we don’t realise is that these products may also contain a range of harmful chemicals that are not listed.
Continue reading Harmful chemicals in personal care products and legally not on the labelTalc and its potential link to cancer
Talc, also known as magnesium silicate or 553, is a mineral based product that is used in a wide variety of industries and products from paper and paint, to pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and food additives. For most people, the term talc is synonymous with a post-bathing product, also commonly called ‘baby powder’.
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Many skin care products use alcohol as a solvent to lift dirt and oils from the skin. Cleansers, fragrances, hairsprays and deodorants are common products containing this kind of ‘cosmetic’ alcohol, which is denatured and undrinkable. The side effects of denatured alcohol include birth defects, neurotoxicity and skin irritations and given that the skin is […]
Continue reading Alcohol-free skin care good for your skin, good for healthPreserving water is a toxic challenge for cosmetic manufacturers
If one of the ingredients in your makeup item is water (and the chances of this are very high), then that product will need to also contain some sort of preservative. Water, in any form, will harbour a range of potentially dangerous bacterias without a preservative, or range of preservatives, to combat microbial growth and […]
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A woman might eat as much as 3 kilograms of lipstick in a lifetime ‚Äì that’s the equivalent of 12 sticks of butter and about the average size of a newborn baby. Toxic effects in our bodies can build over time so it is worth considering the toxic load of everything we put in our […]
Continue reading Toxicity of lipstick something to considerAre Mineral face powders a natural cosmetic product?
The most significant advancement for the natural cosmetic products industry over the past few years has undoubtedly been mineral face powders. But like any cosmetic product, natural or not, the use of potentially toxic ingredients by manufactures requires us to read labels diligently and look for the real truth behind health claims.
Continue reading Are Mineral face powders a natural cosmetic product?Ammonia free – the best hair colouring option
A hair colour at the salon should be a pampering treat but did you know the ammonia used as an active ingredient in most commercial hair color preparations is also used in explosives manufacturing, toilet cleaners and cigarettes? Ammonia hydroxide has been linked to asthma, bronchitis and skin irritations. It also causes havoc in the […]
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