Additives banned for infants could be banned for all children
Many additives considered safe by Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) are also classed as ‘prohibited for use for infants’. In fact, according to the Chemical Maze, 84% of approved additives are not allowed to be used in foods for infants, an age limit set at twelve months of age.
Eighty four percent of food additives equates to about 250 individual food additives likely to cause harm to infants.
It’s terrific to see infants protected from the detrimental health effects of toxic additives but what about young children? A two year old, a four year old, even an eight year old is still a growing, learning, developing being and surely what must be avoided when a child is an infant is also best avoided during the tender early years of a child’s life.
Whilst the regulators might not see it this way, a parent can certainly take control of the additive overload by continuing to avoid the ‘prohibited for infants’ additives throughout a child’s younger years. Pregnant and breastfeeding women might also choose to avoid the same prohibited additives.
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Lindy Schneider is a writer and researcher with a keen interest in health, wellbeing and natural childcare. She is an advocator of a chemical-free lifestyle in the best interests of her family, the community and a sustainable world. She lives in the Yarra Valley with her partner and two young children.
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