Tag: family health
Eczema problems and enzyme washing powder
Enzyme-based laundry detergents are marketed to us as superior performance stain removers. Enzymes are harvested from micro-organisms such as bacteria and added to many detergents under a range of trade names or disguises.
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Some food colours in the range 160-163 are generally considered safe and may even be beneficial for health (except 160b, 106c, 160d). Not every food coloured in the range red, yellow, orange or violet need be avoided if these mostly plant-derived colours have been used. In particular, foods rich in betacarotene and Vitamin A will […]
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My two year old insists on calling toothpaste ‘poo paste’. The wisdom of the young never ceases to amaze me. Most commercial toothpastes are quite literally loaded with ‘crap ‚Äì ingredients that are harmful, especially for little ones who don’t cope with the toxic load of life like adults simply because they are smaller.
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Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is the theme of the World Health Day 2011 (7 April). AMR and its global spread threatens the continued effectiveness of many drugs used today to treat serious diseases.
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