Simple ways to reduce the chemical load

Posted on 18 July 2011 in Blog by L. Schneider
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Reducing the chemical load for you and your family doesn’t need to be difficult. There is one simple, easy to follow guideline that you can adopt immediately that will significantly effect health and wellbeing in the short and long term. And you can start right now.

By simply choosing products with the least amount of ingredients on the label, you are making a choice for better health. Simple.
By choosing products with the simplest kinds of ingredients on the label.

By choosing to use the least amount of products you can each day.

Action these simple steps and you will significantly reduce your chemical exposure.

If you found this article valuable, you can download the Chemical Maze App to your iPhone now.

Have easy-to-use information on thousands of potentially harmful ingredients at your fingertips.

Lindy Schneider is a writer and researcher with a keen interest in health, wellbeing and natural childcare. She is an advocator of a chemical-free lifestyle in the best interests of her family, the community and a sustainable world. She lives in the Yarra Valley with her partner and two young children.

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