Cosmetics Ingredients Maze

Posted on 13 July 2011 in Products by B. Statham

Cosmetic Ingredients Maze

What?s in your Cosmetics? What’s in your makeup, lipstick and skin care products? Are you at risk? This is your ultimate guide to decode the Cosmetic Ingredient Maze.


Instantly identify dangerous cosmetics ingredients with ease.

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The Cosmetic Ingredients Maze App was written to make it simpler and easier to recognize cosmetic ingredients having the potential to cause discomfort and ill-health. With this recognition comes freedom of choice and for many a new lease on life.

  • Find out which Cosmetic Ingredient trigger trigger Symptoms or Ailments that effect you
  • Easy to use guide for Cosmetic Ingredients that pose the greatest risk
  • Identify the Cosmetic Ingredients that may effect parts of your body or systems

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You don’t have to damage your health in order to look great

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The average women absorbs 14kg of moisturizing ingredients into the bloodstream over 60 years. As our skin is the body?s largest organ, we need to be careful in selecting the type of products that we?re putting onto our skin.

  • The average person exposes themselves to up to 175 different chemicals each day

Labels on cosmetics products sound like Chinese for most of us. And sadly, most people don’t read them at all. That’s a big mistake, because some ingredients can affect your beauty and health. Each ingredient might have a side-effect that you wouldn’t like to experience at all.

  • Remember, the skin absorbs 60% of all chemicals we use on our skin and hair

Making healthy choices about skin care and cosmetic products is equally as important as the choices we make about the food we eat. Our skin acts as a sponge, absorbing whatever is applied, which then enters our bloodstream and is absorbed by certain organs. It is important to read and understand the labels of the products you use. The following is a list of ingredients to avoid in skin care and cosmetics.

It is not until you come face to face to illness caused by Cosmetics do you appreciate a handy tool such as the Cosmetic Ingredients Maze.
Click here to read Cosmetic Ingredients Maze testimonials and more
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The essential shopping companion.

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This App includes all Food Additives and Cosmetic Ingredients that can trigger allergic reactions based on the international best selling researcher & author Bill Statham.

  • Search results for Cosmetic Ingredients the way you want them

*Easy to use guide for Cosmetic Ingredients that pose the greatest risk
*Find out which Cosmetic Ingredient trigger Symptoms or Ailments that effect you or your children
*Identify the Cosmetic Ingredients that may effect parts of your body or systems
*Find out what each Cosmetic ingredient are derived from

  • Over 10 years of research

This app contains the research derived from the international best selling book The Chemical Maze
All the facts you need to know to identify the many ingredients that can skin problems

It is not until you come face to face to illness caused by Cosmentic Ingredients in everything do you appreciate a handy tool such as the Cosmetic Ingredients Maze.
Click here to read Cosmetic Ingredients Maze testimonials and more

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